Collagen counteracts dimpled skin

Collagen counteracts dimpled skin
Can you imagine a daily routine that only takes five minutes, has amazing health benefits, is practically free, gives your skin an amazing GLOW, helps you get rid of cellulite, and is also super beautiful! Dry brushing has been around for a long time, but this simple and natural skin care routine for skin health and beauty is hardly practiced today.
Dry brushing helps clean the skin's pores and removes toxins that often get "stuck" under the skin. Did you know that our skin is an organ? And as such also the largest organ in the human body. Since a third of the body's toxins are excreted through the skin, this super-sized organ – with a surface area of about 2 square meters – needs daily attention.
Collagen can counteract visible cellulite and dimpled skin
Cellulite appears as dimpling and bulging of the skin when subcutaneous tissue is damaged. It usually affects the thighs, but cellulite can also be found on the upper arms, abdomen, and even the chest. It affects women much more than men because women have thinner skin and tend to have more fat around these areas. It is the damage to the connective tissue between the fat cells that causes cellulite dimples, this is where collagen comes in, as connective tissue is highly dependent on its collagen content.
Supplementing with hydrolyzed collagen peptides has been shown to result in a significant improvement in visible cellulite. As long as the peptides are small enough to be absorbed; they can help strengthen the subcutaneous connective tissue that has been damaged. Collagen also stimulates turnover in the skin layer, which means more new cells are produced, helping to improve existing damage and reduce the likelihood of future damage.
Like many other conditions, the effects will increase over time as the effect of the increased collagen levels builds stronger skin.
Four benefits of dry brushing the skin to get rid of cellulite and toxins
Dry brush your skin to get rid of cellulite
Many want nothing more than to get rid of their cellulite , and it's actually not that easy. Cellulite is, as most people know, dimples in the skin, and occurs predominantly on the thighs, buttocks, stomach and back of the arms. It is often caused by fluid retention, lack of circulation, weak collagen structure and increased body fat, but also by hormonal imbalances, medical conditions, genetics, poor diet and toxicity. Cellulite is most common in young and adult women, but men can have it too. While there are many different types of treatments to get rid of cellulite, dry brushing goes a long way to helping stimulate the cells and break down toxins in the skin, which can act as a natural cellulite remedy.
Exfoliate your skin
When you are around 20 years old, dry brushing is not necessary because the skin automatically renews itself. But as you get older, it's good to exfoliate your skin once or twice a week to help renew your skin and remove dead skin cells for fresher, healthier looking skin. It's important to do this carefully so you don't tear your skin. You don't want to break down the skin's protective layer or cause skin irritation, which could lead to an infection. Exfoliating the skin too much can also dehydrate the skin, which is the last thing you want to do.
Stimulates the lymphatic system
Since your skin helps detoxify the body, it's important to keep it healthy so it can do its job. If your skin has too many toxins or dead skin cells, it is not as easy for the skin to eliminate waste from the body as efficiently as needed. Dry brushing your skin can help your lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body and helps prevent you from getting sick. When inflammation builds up in the body, it can cause the body to struggle to fight that inflammation. If the skin is healthy, it can help to "release" the toxins so that the body does not have to work so hard to get rid of them.
Clear skin pores
Over time, your pores can become clogged with dead skin cells, pollutants and cosmetics. This leads to the liver and kidneys having to work hard to get rid of the body's impurities. Dry brushing cleans the skin's pores and helps your skin absorb more nutrients, which promotes healthy skin and makes the skin's toxins "release" a little easier.
How to dry brush the skin to counteract visible cellulite
There are a few steps you need to know to properly dry brush your skin. With a little practice, you can enjoy the benefits and your skin will thank you. Not only will you feel better, but your skin will have a youthful appearance.
- Buy a brush with a long handle so you can reach all parts of your body. Avoid synthetic brushes.
- Take off your clothes and stand in a tub or shower to easily rinse away the dry skin.
- Do not wet the skin. Dry brush the skin while it is dry.
- Starting at the bottom of the feet, move the brush in long sweeping motions towards your heart. Brushing in the direction away from your heart can increase pressure in the veins and lymphatic vessels, causing ruptured blood vessels and varicose veins.
- Brush each area several times. It may feel more sensitive the first few times, but your skin will become less sensitive with consistent dry brushing.
- Once you've brushed your entire body, step into the shower and shower/bath as you normally would.
- After showering, pat your skin dry and apply a natural oil like olive oil or coconut oil all over your body. Of course, it goes well with a good skin lotion too!
Two things to keep in mind when dry brushing your skin
- Sensitive skin: test on a small area first to see if you are not hypersensitive to dry brushing. Then dry brush the whole body once a week. When you feel comfortable with the process and don't get any irritation, you can dry brush your entire body a couple of times a week. More than that can cause dehydration. By removing the outer layer of skin, you remove some of the much-needed protection that skin provides, so it's best not to dry brush too often.
- Be careful: It is important to be careful when dry brushing your skin. You don't want to damage the skin and cause inflammation. Make sure your brush has soft bristles. It should feel good!