Collagen and mct fat - lose weight

Collagen and mct fat - lose weight
We offer CLEAN LABEL food supplements formulated to support an optimal metabolism and weight control, ketogenic diet and weight loss . Developed specifically for those who want to lose weight with mct fat and collagen or maintain a healthy weight with mct supplements and collagen.
Did you know that collagen protein is one of the most satiating proteins available, and can help promote weight loss? Protein intake has been studied extensively for its ability to increase weight loss, reduce appetite and increase satiety. Read more about the benefits of taking collagen and weight loss further down the page, and why you might want to consider starting to eat collagen for increased weight loss. You will be amazed at the weight loss benefits of collagen! We offer nutritional supplements for a ketogenic diet/dietary supplements for ketosis, collagen for weight loss and mct supplements for weight loss.
Can MCT fat help with weight loss?
Interest in MCT fat has grown rapidly in recent years. MCT (medium chain triglycerides) stands for medium chain triglycerides. Many advocates promote that MCT fat can aid in weight loss. In addition, MCT fat has become a popular dietary supplement among athletes and bodybuilders. With us you can buy a dietary supplement with MCT FAT.
Which dietary supplement is best if you want to lose weight fast?
Do you want to lose weight with mct and collagen? Here you can buy our popular collagen dietary supplement for a ketogenic diet with mct for weight loss - COLLAGEN - KETO DIET + MCT FAT.
When losing weight, the hair, skin and nails often take a beating and don't always get the nutrients they need. It can therefore be good to supplement with a collagen supplement with silicon, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C - for thick hair, elastic skin and healthy nails.
What is MCT fat?
MCT fat is a dietary supplement that has become popular among athletes, fitness people, those who want to lose weight and even bodybuilders.
As the name suggests, MCTs contain fat, fat with medium-chain fatty acids called triglycerides. Due to the shorter length of the fatty acids, they are more easily absorbed by the body than long-chain fatty acids found in many other foods.
MCT oil is most commonly extracted from coconut oil, as more than 50% of the fat in coconut oil comes from MCTs. These fats are also found in other foods, such as palm oil and dairy products.
There are four different types of MCT fats, of which caprylic acid and capric acid are most commonly found in MCT oil. In some cases, these specific types have unique advantages.
Benefits of MCT fat:
- MCT fat can potentially promote weight loss and reduce body fat
- MCT fat can be a good source of energy
- MCTs can reduce lactate levels in athletes and help use fat for energy
- MCTs can help manage epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease and autism
- MCTs contain fatty acids that fight yeast and bacterial growth
- MCTs can potentially improve your gut environment
- MCTs may reduce risk factors for heart disease
- MCTs can help manage blood sugar levels
What are the benefits of collagen peptides for increased weight loss?
- Collagen protein can be helpful for increased weight loss, as it provides a source of protein that helps maintain satiety and promote weight loss.
- Collagen is 40% more satiating than other proteins.
- Collagen protein and weight loss can work together because collagen reduces appetite, resulting in reduced energy intake.
- Collagen supplements can help maintain lean body mass.
- Collagen strengthens the different layers of the skin, which helps to hide and get rid of cellulite .
Here you can buy clean collagen peptides with vitamin C for increased weight loss.
What is MCT fat?
Medium chain triglycerides (MCT fat: medium chain triglycerides) are fats found in foods, such as coconut. They are metabolized differently in the body than the long chain triglycerides (LCTs) found in most other foods.
Triglycerides are named for their chemical structure, and more specifically for the length of their fatty acid chains. All triglycerides consist of one glycerol molecule and three fatty acids. All triglycerides consist of a mixture of various saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, the proportions are specific for different fat raw materials.
MCT fat as a dietary supplement contains medium-chain fatty acids with many health benefits.
A triglyceride is simply the technical term for fat. Triglycerides have two main purposes. They are either used by the body as energy or stored as body fat.
The majority of fat in the diet consists of long-chain fatty acids, which contain 13-21 carbon atoms. Short-chain fatty acids have fewer than 6 carbon atoms.
The medium-chain fatty acids in MCT fats contain 6–12 carbon atoms.
The following MCT fats are the main ones:
- C6: caproic or hexanoic acid
- C8: caprylic acid or octanoic acid
- C10: capric or decanoic acid
- C12: lauric acid or dodecanoic acid
Some experts argue that C6, C8, and C10 reflect the definition of MCT fats more accurately than C12 (lauric acid).
Why is MCT fat good for weight loss?
Given the shorter chain of fatty acids that MCT fats have, they are quickly broken down to be absorbed by the body. Unlike longer fatty acids, MCT fats go directly to the liver, where they can be used as an immediate energy source or turned into ketones. Ketones are substances produced when the liver breaks down large amounts of fat.
In contrast to regular fatty acids, ketones can "go from" the blood directly to the brain. This provides an alternative source of energy for the brain, which normally uses glucose for fuel.
Please note: Ketones are only produced when the body is lacking carbohydrates, for example if you are on a ketogenic diet. The brain always prefers to use glucose as fuel instead of ketones.
Because the calories in MCT fat are more efficiently converted into energy and used by the body, they are less likely to be stored as fat. Having said that, however, further studies are needed to confirm that they can help with weight loss.
Since MCT fat is digested faster than LCT fat, they are used as energy first. However, if there is an excess of MCT fat, it will be stored as body fat.
Which dietary supplement with MCT fat is best?
There are two main ways to increase MCT fat intake; from foods or from dietary supplements containing MCT fat. Here you can buy dietary supplements with collagen and MCT fat - COLLAGEN - KETO DIET + MCT FAT.
In which foods can MCT fat be found?
The following foods are the richest sources of medium-chain fatty acid triglycerides, including lauric acid, and are listed along with their percentage composition of MCT fat:
- Coconut oil: 55%
- Palm kernel oil: 54%
- High fat milk: 9%
- Butter: 8%
Although the sources above are rich in MCT fat, their composition varies. For example, coconut oil contains all four types of MCT fat, plus a small amount of LCT fat.
However, its MCT fat consists of larger amounts of lauric acid (C12) and smaller amounts of the fatty acids (C6, C8 and C10). In fact, coconut oil contains about 42% lauric acid, making it one of the best natural sources of this fatty acid.
Compared to coconut oil, dairy sources tend to have a higher proportion of C6, C8 and C10 fatty acids and a lower proportion of lauric acid (C12).
In milk, the C6, C8 and C10 fatty acids make up about 4-12% of all fatty acids, and lauric acid (C12) makes up about 2-5% of all fatty acids.
Does MCT fat come from coconut?
MCT fat is a highly concentrated source of medium-chain triglycerides. MCT fat is made via a process called fractionation. This means extracting and isolating MCT fat from, for example, coconut or palm kernel oil. MCT FAT generally contains either 100% caprylic acid (C8), 100% capric acid (C10), or a combination of the two. Caproic acid (C6) is not normally included due to its unpleasant taste and smell. At the same time, lauric acid (C12) is often missing or present in only small amounts.
Many proponents promote MCT fat as better than coconut oil as a raw material because caprylic acid (C8) and capric acid (C10) are believed to be absorbed and metabolized into energy more quickly, compared to lauric acid (C12).
Should one eat MCT fat from supplements or from food?
The best source of MCT fat depends on your goals and desired medium-chain triglyceride intake. It is not clear what dose is needed to obtain potential benefits. In studies, doses range from 1–70 grams of MCT fat daily.
If you're aiming for overall good health, incorporating coconut oil or palm kernel oil into your diet/cooking is probably enough.
However, if you want to consume higher doses of medium-chain fatty acids, you should consider taking a dietary supplement with MCT fat.
One of the best things about MCT fat is that the fat has virtually no taste or smell. It can be consumed straight from the can or mixed into food or drink. Taking MCT fat together with collagen is the ultimate beauty and health drink! Especially in connection with the fact that you want to lose weight, or are thinking about reducing your intake of carbohydrates.
Can MCT Fat Help Lose Weight Fast?
Although research has shown mixed results regarding weight loss with MCT fat, there are several ways in which MCT fat can aid in weight loss:
Lower energy density. MCT fat provides about 10% fewer calories than LCT fat, or 8.4 calories per gram for MCT compared to 9.2 calories per gram for LCT fat. However, note that most cooking oils contain both MCT fat and LCT fat.
Increase the feeling of satiety. A study comparing the intake of MCT fat with LCT fat showed that MCT fat produced greater increases in peptide YY (PYY) and leptin, two hormones that help reduce appetite and increase satiety.
Fat storage . Given that MCT fat is absorbed and metabolized faster than LCT fat, the MCT fat is used for energy first rather than being stored as body fat. However, MCT fat can also be stored as body fat if an excess is consumed.
Burn calories. Several studies show that MCT fat (mainly the fatty acids C8 and C10) can increase the body's ability to burn fat and calories.
Increased fat burning. One study found that an MCT-rich diet increased fat burning and thus the amount of fat the body shed, compared to a diet that contained more LCT fat. However, these effects may disappear after 2-3 weeks when the body has adapted.
However, keep in mind that many of these studies have been tested on a small number of people, and do not take into account other factors, including physical activity and total calorie consumption.
Can MCT fat improve performance during physical activity?
MCT fat is believed to increase stamina/levels of energy during high-intensity exercise and may act as an alternative source of energy, sparing glycogen stores. Several studies suggest that MCT fat can increase endurance and offer benefits to athletes on low-carb diets.
One study found that mice fed a diet rich in medium-chain triglycerides performed much better in swimming tests than mice fed a diet rich in LCT fat.
In addition, a study showed that a diet containing MCT fat instead of LCT fat, for a period of 2 weeks, resulted in athletes having increased endurance and performance during high-intensity exercise.
What is a ketogenic diet?
Ketogenic diet is a diet in which carbohydrate intake is limited to less than 50 grams per day, where you instead focus on eating a lot of protein/collagen and the right amount of fat. When you eat fewer carbohydrates, your body starts using fat as fuel. This can put the body into a metabolic state called ketosis. It can help the body burn more fat, reduce hunger and reduce blood sugar levels.
The ketogenic diet is particularly effective in reducing excess body fat and reducing feelings of hunger.
Other potential benefits of MCT fat beyond weight loss
The use of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT fat) has been associated with several other health benefits.
Can MCT Fat Lower Cholesterol Levels?
MCT fat has been linked to lower cholesterol levels in both animal and human studies.
For example, an animal study found that the administration of MCT fat to mice helped reduce cholesterol levels by increasing the secretion of bile acids.
Another study of 40 women found that consuming coconut oil along with a low-calorie diet reduced bad cholesterol (LDL) and increased good cholesterol (HDL) .
Improvements in cholesterol levels can lead to a reduced risk of heart disease in the long term.
Can MCT fat lower blood sugar levels?
MCT fat can also help lower blood sugar levels. In one study, diets rich in MCT fat increased insulin sensitivity in adults with type 2 diabetes.
Another study of 40 people with obesity and type 2 diabetes found that those who ate MCT fat improved the risk factors associated with diabetes. They reduced body weight, waist circumference and insulin resistance.
Additionally, an animal study found that administering MCT fat to mice fed a high-fat diet helped protect against insulin resistance and inflammation.
Is MCT fat good for the brain?
MCT fat produces ketones, which act as an alternative source of energy for the brain and thus can improve brain function in people following a ketogenic diet/ketogenic diets (defined as a carbohydrate intake of less than 50 grams per day).
Recently, there has been greater interest in the use of MCT fat to help treat or prevent brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
A large study found that MCT fat improved learning, memory, and the brain's processing of information in people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's. However, this effect was only observed in people who did not have the APOE4 gene variant.
Can MCT fat be good to eat for stomach and intestinal problems?
Because MCT fat is easily absorbed and metabolized by the body, the fat has been used for years to treat malnutrition and disease states that prevent nutrient absorption.
Individuals suffering from various medical conditions who may benefit from taking MCT fat in the form of a dietary supplement are the following:
- Those suffering from diarrhea
- Those with steatorrhea (fatty stools due to malabsorption or maldigestion)
- Those who have a liver disease
Patients undergoing intestinal or gastric surgery may also benefit from taking a dietary supplement with MCT fat.
Evidence also supports the use of MCT fat in ketogenic diets in the treatment of epilepsy
Can you eat MCT fat when you have type 1 diabetes?
Some sources discourage people with type 1 diabetes from ingesting medium-chain triglycerides (MCT fat) because of the accompanying production of ketones.
It is thought that high levels of ketones in the blood can increase the risk of ketoacidosis*, a very serious condition that can occur in people with type 1 diabetes.
*Ketoacidosis is a life-threatening condition that results from a strong release of ketone bodies, known as acetone bodies, which cause the blood to become acidic. It occurs when there is a lack of insulin in people with type 1 diabetes. Ketone bodies are released into the blood when the body switches to using fat as fuel instead of carbohydrates.
However, the nutritional ketosis caused by a low-carb diet is quite different from diabetic ketoacidosis, a very serious condition caused by a lack of insulin.
In people with well-managed diabetes and healthy blood sugar levels, ketone levels remain within a safe range even during ketosis.
Can you lose weight with collagen peptides?
Research has shown that collagen protein is more satiating than other types of protein. A clinical study found that collagen provided a 40% higher feeling of satiety than the same amount of protein from whey, casein or soy. The subjects also consumed 20% less amount of food at the next meal, after consuming collagen , than the subjects who consumed other types of protein.
The distinctive structure of collagen protein has been studied and found to provide greater satiety than other protein types – including whey and soy protein – in the same amount. Collagen's unique amino acid profile also makes it possible to suppress appetite and promote lean body mass.
Can collagen reduce appetite?
One benefit that collagen has for contributing to weight loss is that it can help reduce appetite. In a study with obese people and diabetic patients, it was found that an intake of hydrolyzed collagen stimulated the release of satiety hormones in the blood. After an intake of collagen, the subjects had a reduced appetite, which resulted in a reduced total intake of food.
These diabetic patients were able to lose weight by eating less, because the collagen protein played an important role in reducing appetite.
Can collagen help maintain muscle mass?
As we age, our bodies lose muscle mass and often replace it with fat mass. This muscle loss correlates with excess nitrogen in the urine and an increased dietary need in older people. Research has shown that a collagen supplement can be effective in helping aging individuals maintain lean body mass and preserve nitrogen balance. In a study among elderly women, patients who supplemented their diet with collagen peptides showed better preservation of lean body mass and better nitrogen balance than patients who received supplementation in the form of a whey protein. More muscle mass helps with weight loss, because muscle burns more calories.
Can collagen help with weight loss?
Consuming adequate levels of protein is important for maintaining a healthy body composition and supporting weight loss. Protein is more satiating than both carbohydrates and fat – and research has shown that consuming a protein-rich diet reduces overall energy intake by keeping you feeling fuller for longer. A clinical study showed that individuals who increased their protein intake and consumed foods with a lower glycemic index, had a more significant weight loss and maintained weight loss longer than individuals who ate a diet with a lower proportion of protein - which confirms the effect of collagen for increased weight loss.
Can collagen counteract cellulite?
By strengthening the skin, collagen also plays an important role in "hiding" cellulite. Cellulite becomes more visible if our skin is thin, sagging and less elastic. Collagen supplements have been clinically proven to increase the amount of collagen in the skin and thus improve the skin's elasticity and thickness, which plays a role in "hiding" fat cells that lie under the skin.
How can collagen benefit weight loss over time?
One result of a study showed that the people who consumed collagen peptides also burned more body fat. Apart from this; by consuming extra amounts of protein from collagen supplements, you feel full faster when consuming collagen, which in turn reduces appetite. Lower calorie intake generally means weight loss over time.
Can zinc contribute to increased weight loss?
Zinc keeps your metabolism going. Zinc helps metabolize protein, carbohydrates and fat. When you have a zinc deficiency, you may experience reduced energy and at the same time also have more difficulty losing weight.