Collagen smoothie - pomegranate

kollagen smoothie granatäpple recept celloptimum recipe pomegranate

Collagen smoothie - pomegranate

Collagen smoothie that contributes to wrinkle-free skin and healthier hair

Collagen can help improve your hair by providing amino acids and helping to fight damaged hair follicles. It can also slow down hair thinning (prevent hair thinning), as well as prevent premature graying.

Collagen is the most common protein in your body and also helps form tendons, ligaments and your skin - counteracting wrinkles and visible cellulite. Collagen is also good for gut and stomach health, nails, gums and bones.

Your body produces collagen itself, but production starts to decrease already at the age of 25 and continues downward the older you get, therefore it can be good to supplement with collagen from a dietary supplement.

This is a really good beauty smoothie that protects your cells and contributes to:

  • Beautiful and healthy skin, with less wrinkles and increased elasticity
  • Shiny, thick and healthy hair
  • Strong and beautiful nails
  • Getting rid of cellulite
  • Healthy, strong and mobile joints
  • Optimal stomach and intestinal function
  • Healthy teeth and healthy gums
  • A strong skeleton

Green tea found in the recipe contains catechins, which have disease-preventing properties and protect against burns from the sun and damage from long-term UV radiation. Green tea contains antioxidants called EGCG. EGCG can prevent damage from occurring in skin cells exposed to UV light.

Pomegranate contains ellagic acid, which can protect your skin against cell damage caused by the sun's UVA and UVB rays. Pomegranate also increases glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, which increases protection against damage caused by free radicals.

This is what you need for your collagen smoothie

  • 1 scoop Collagen skin & hair complex
  • 2 dl organic freshly squeezed carrot juice (200 g)
  • 1 dl organic green tea with any flavor
  • 1 dl organic freshly squeezed pomegranate juice (100 g)

This is how you make your collagen smoothie

Boil water, let cool a little before adding your tea*. Let stand and cool to room temperature, then mix in carrot juice, pomegranate juice, and 1 scoop of Collagen skin & hair complex .

Mix all ingredients with some ice, served in a glass with a straw!

*The temperature affects the taste of the tea sometimes less and sometimes to the point of being undrinkable. Lighter tea requires a lower temperature and darker tea requires a higher temperature. For white tea, green tea and yellow tea use between 50°–85°C, for oolong teas and black teas use up to boiling water, between 90° – 100°C.