Kollagen, inulin, prebiotika & tarmhälsa collagen inuline prebiotics gut health celloptimum

Collagen, inulin, prebiotics & gut health

Collagen, inulin, prebiotics & gut health Inulin is a water-soluble dietary fiber (prebiotic) with positive effects on the intestinal microbiome (intestinal flora) and your overall intestinal health. It is also believed to help regulate fat...
Kollagen - IBS, Chrons & Ulcerös colit celloptimum collagen

Collagen - IBS, Chron's & Ulcerative Colitis

Collagen - IBS, Chron's & Ulcerative Colitis Collagen and its health benefits for your gut health Struggling with intestinal problems and don't know what to do? Maybe you've tried many different things, but nothing seems...
Kollagen - SIBO & tarmhälsa collagen gut health celloptimum

Collagen - SIBO & gut health

Collagen - SIBO & gut health Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, also known as SIBO, is a common intestinal disease that is becoming more common. Often associated with IBS, SIBO is often implicated as the cause...
Kollagenkomplex för tarmhälsan collagen complex gut health celloptimum

Collagen complex for gut health

Collagen complex for gut health Are you tired of feeling constipated and bloated? Do you want to improve your general well-being and increase your energy levels? Then you may need to add some supplements to...
Kollagen - hydroxyprolin & hydroxylysin collagen hydroxyproline hydroxylysine celloptimum

Collagen - hydroxyproline & hydroxylysine

Collagen - hydroxyproline & hydroxylysine What is real natural collagen? Collagen is an extracellular protein organized as soluble fibers with high tensile strength. Real and natural collagen is always animal, and can never appear as...
Kollagen kroppens rikligaste protein collagen celloptimum supplements kosttillskott

Collagen, the body's most abundant protein

Collagen, the body's most abundant protein About a quarter of all the protein in your body is collagen. Collagen is an important structural protein that strengthens everything from tendons to supporting the skin and internal...
Tarmhälsa och maghälsa - kollagen gut health stomach health collagen celloptimum

Gut health and stomach health - collagen

Gut health and stomach health - collagen You've probably heard the term before, but you might be wondering, "What is GI and what does it stand for?" Gastrointestinal (GI) refers to something that belongs to...
Tarmflora, tarmhälsa och hjärnhälsa the gut-brain axis celloptimum kosttillskott kollagen collagen supplements tarm-hjärna axeln

Gut flora, gut health and brain health

Gut flora, gut health and brain health We live in a microbiotic world where we are constantly surrounded by bacteria, viruses and fungi - also called microbes. In our bodies there are several billion microbes...
Kollagen, prebiotika & tarmhälsa collagen prebiotics gut health celloptimum

Collagen, prebiotics & gut health

Collagen, prebiotics & gut health More and more of us are eating foods and supplements with collagen, probiotics and prebiotics, as well as lots of yogurt, kimchi, kombucha and more to get prebiotics or probiotics...
MCT-fett och en keto diet mct fat celloptimum collagen kollagen

MCT fat and a keto diet

MCT fat and a keto diet MCT fat can be used as a quick source of energy and can support weight loss. It can also fight bacterial growth, improve gut health to manage certain neurological...
Tarmhälsa - tecken på en ohälsosam tarm gut health collagen sign symptoms celloptimum

Gut health - signs of an unhealthy gut

Gut health - signs of an unhealthy gut Microlexicon Microbe, collective name for microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses. Microbiota/intestinal flora, the microbes present in a certain place constitute a microbiota. Microbiome, the genes...
Kollagentyp - spelar det någon roll? collagen type does it matter? celloptimum

Collagen type - does it matter?

Collagen type - does it matter? Does it matter what type of collagen is in a collagen supplement? It is a fact that different parts of our bodies contain different amounts of the different types...